Become a Volunteer Mediator
The Children’s Law Center’s Families in Transition program is a voluntary program that provides the opportunity for parents to resolve conflicts outside of court regarding a family court case, which can include custody, visitation, or co-parenting disputes. The program is made possible by our generous volunteer mediators who volunteer their time and knowledge to the program.
Attorneys utilize their mediation skills to assist parents in reaching an agreement within the legal context of family court. Mental health professionals use their expertise to help parents understand their child’s developmental needs, the effect of parental conflict on children, and how to utilize effective co-parenting techniques. This unique team approach helps parents create effective parenting agreements which hold up in court and provide stable homes for their children.
The Families in Transition mediation program is currently in need of mental health professionals who have completed a 40-hour certified mediation training.
For information about becoming a volunteer mediator, please contact Randa Hojaiban, CLC’s Deputy Director, by calling 860.232.9993 or emailing