Family Law Resources

Statewide Legal Services (Legal Aid)
SLS is a legal aid advice and referral center helping low-income people solve their legal problems. Advocates can help you with legal questions about family, public benefits, housing, unemployment and other problems. They will give you free legal advice, answer your questions, and help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities. Some cases may be referred to other legal aid programs or a volunteer attorney. They cannot help with criminal or immigration problems. Contact them at 860-344-0380 or visit their website for access to vast resource materials.
Connecticut Women's Education and Legal Fund (CWEALF)
CWEALF helps bridge the justice gap by providing information about your legal rights, connecting you with resources, and providing individual support as you navigate the justice system. You can contact CWEALF's information service online or by calling 860-524-0601. If you are seeking support because you are representing yourself in your court case, they also have advocates who can meet with you in-person in Hartford or New Haven. Call 860-247-6090 to schedule an appointment.
Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center (CPAC)
CPAC is a statewide nonprofit organization that offers information and support to families of children with any disability or chronic illness, age birth through 26. The Center is committed to the idea that parents can be the most effective advocates for their children, given the confidence that knowledge and understanding of special education law and its procedures can bring. Contact them at 860-739-3089 or visit their website for access to vast resource materials.
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV)
If you are experiencing domestic violence, CCADV is the state's leading voice for victims of domestic violence and those agencies that serve them. They and their membership agencies provide critical support to victims, including counseling, support groups, emergency shelter, court advocacy, safety planning and lethality assessment, among other services. Contact their 24-hour hotline at 888-774-2900 or 844-831-9200 (EspaƱol) or visit their website for resource materials.
Center for Children's Advocacy (CCA)
CCA fights for the rights of Connecticut's most vulnerable children. If your issue does not fall in the realm of family law, CCA is a resource for information about teen rights, helping abused or neglected children, improving child health, improving educational success and reducing truancy or involvement in the juvenile justice system. Contact them at 860-570-5327 or visit their website for access to vast resource materials.
Connecticut Legal Rights Project (CLRP)
CLRP is a statewide non-profit agency that provides legal services to low-income individuals with mental health conditions, who reside in hospitals or the community, on matters related to their treatment, recovery and civil rights. CLRP represents child clients in administrative, judicial and legislative venues to enforce their legal rights and assure that personal choices are respected and individual self-determination is protected. Contact them at 877-402-2299 to schedule an intake or visit their website for access to resource materials.
Department of Children and Families (DCF)
DCF provideschild protective services to children at risk in Connecticut in addition to providing family support to parents of at-risk children. If you believe that a child is being abused or neglected, or if yo believe that your family would benefit from voluntary services through DCF, contact Careline at 800-842-2288.
Other Important Resources provides free legal help for people with very low income. This site provides contact information for legal services based on your identified needs and income. It also houses a multitude of "self-help" guides to support you through the legal process.
Mental health is just as important as physical health to a child's well-being. Learn more about signs that your child may need help and find ways to access those resources.
Connecticut General Statutes
Official General Statutes of Connecticut, containing all of Connecticut's public acts and certain special acts of the public nature.
Office of the Child Advocate
The Office of the Child Advocate is the agency that oversees agencies that provide support to children. Contact the Office at 860-566-2106.
Child Support Hotline
This hotline (800-228-5437) is a resource through the Department of Social Services to help get answers regarding child support issues.
DCF Ombudsman
DCF Ombudsman investigates complaints about the handing of DCF cases and open investigations. Contact the office at 860-550-6301.
HUSKY Insurance
HUSKY provides free or low-cost health insurance for children and people with children. To get more information, call 877-284-8759.
Call 211 for a general directory of services.